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About the Mobile Market

Arcadia’s Mobile Markets are farm-stands-on-wheels that distribute local, sustainably produced food to underserved communities in Washington, DC.


The mission of Arcadia’s Mobile Markets is to improve access to healthy, affordable food regardless of where you live or how much you earn. The Markets do this by operating regularly scheduled stops in low-income, food-insecure communities; offering high quality, locally grown, sustainably produced farm products at affordable prices; accepting all forms of payment, including food assistance benefits; doubling the purchasing power of food assistance benefits through a “Bonus Bucks” program; and providing educational resources for how to prepare the market’s offerings in nutritious, cost-effective, delicious, and easy ways.

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Food Access

We operate weekly market stops at community and recreation centers, low-income living facilities, parks, and healthcare providers. We accept federal food assistance benefits such as SNAP/EBT (formerly known as "Food Stamps"), WIC (Women, Infant and Children), Senior FMNP vouchers (Farmers' Market Nutrition Program), and feature a “Bonus Bucks” program to double the purchasing power of these benefits. This means when spending, for instance, $5 worth of these benefits, customers will receive $10 worth of goods from our market. The Markets also participates in Washington, DC's Produce Plus Program.


Most of our produce comes from our very own production farm in Alexandria, VA.  Whatever we are unable to source from our farm we source from other local farmers within a 125-mile radius of DC.

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